Friday, March 15, 2013

PE Reflection & Goals


I think my first half of PE went relatively well. I was very busy with my play, so I didn't get a chance to go to Shibata-sensei's office hours as much as I would have liked, but I'm going to start! I did start listening to the vocabulary recordings for every chapter though, which I believe has helped my pitch of the new vocabulary words a lot. I will definitely continue to do that in the second half of the semester. Doing the prosody exercises every week has also been very helpful. I didn't do it last week, but I will catch up and complete it over the break! My other goals were to practice Japanese in my free time by watching Japanese movies and videos, but I didn't have any free time! I don't think I even watched one movie the whole semester. I hope to go to some of the anime films shown at Wilson College next semester!


  • Go to Shibata-sensei's office hours! For real this time!
  • Continue listening to Textbook recordings of vocabulary.
  • Shadow the vocabulary recordings as extra shadowings.
  • Do all prosody exercises
  • Read the Nakama textbook right after lecture to solidify what we learned in my mind.
  • Memorize a song chorus! I completely forgot to do that last time :(
  • Speak more Japanese with Vora-san and Li-san, and use plain speech!
  • Go to some of the "Moving and Drawing" anime films, if they look interesting!

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