Thursday, January 10, 2013

PE3 Reflection

PE3 was so long, that I can barely remember the first part of it! I know one of my main goals was to make a 日本語のおんがく playlist, not just because of PE but also just for fun, and I did pretty well with that, as you can see from the music videos I've been posting! I did my best not to flood my blog with videos though, so you only got the especially weird and colorful videos. I did find some actually really good music though-- if you want to hear it, let me know! I also did pretty well with speaking 日本語 out of class with ボラちゃんとリーさん. I went to しばた先生の office hours a few times, but not as many as I would have liked, because I was just so busy, and I always forgot to go sign up! I am going to make a goal for next semester that I will go to office hours more! I also need to go to 日本語テーブル more, but it is ちょっとむずかし、because I usually have rehearsals at that time and have to get late meal... perhaps next semester will be better! I at least managed to make it to a few. 

Also, for my last shadowing, I was able to do a monologue that I thought was really difficult and impressive when I first heard it, so I am pretty excited about that. ここですよ(the monologue itself, not me. I wish I could speak like her.):

Overall, I think my pronunciation definitely improved. I am also able to speak more quickly and naturally, without having to stop to think as much as I did at the beginning of the semester. The other day, I was just sitting around and all of the sudden, "かう、かわない" just popped into my head, and I realized that I apparently know the plain form better than I thought. I am starting to get the feel of things, so that when I say or hear something wrong, it sounds weird to me and I know to correct it; this seems like a big step, I think.

じゃああ、また next semester! Until then, I'll keep doing PE in the best place for such things-- the shower!!

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