Wednesday, February 6, 2013

102 PE Goals!



This semester, it is my goal to do more PE! This should be easy to accomplish, because our PE assignments have almost doubled :O. I think of all the PE aspects, my pitch is the one that needs the most work, so I am going to try to focus on that more during shadowing and when learning new vocabulary words. I also want to work on just sounding more fluent in general-- making fewer pauses in my sentences, and getting to where things that are wrong just "sound" wrong. Here are my concrete goals:
  • Always listen to CD when learning new vocabulary, and say it out loud.
  • Always do optional prosody exercises.
  • Go to Shibata-sensei's office hours! Once per week if possible.
  • Watch Japanese movies or anime anytime I watch something.
  • Practice speaking while I walk places and in the shower!
  • Memorize one Japanese song (at least the chorus) by midterms
  • Continue watching funny Japanese videos on the internet when I want to procrastinate.


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